dijous, 11 d’octubre del 2007

Once upon a time there was a beautiful,
enchanted forest.It was the home of the forest fairies.All day long the forest fairies danced on the soft,green grass and flew among the pine trees.How happy they were!
But one day a strong wind blew.The fairies were blown far.far away…to a city! Oh no! What a disaster!
The fairies didn’t like it! One fairy started to cough because of the smoke.Another fairy cut her foot on a broken bottle and had to see the fairy doctor.But worst of all the fairies could not dance with all the rubbish on the ground .
The fairies were not happy.They asked the fairy Queen to help.She decided to use a little magic.”Magic petals,blue,yellow,green.Help us keep the city clean!” The Fairy Queen mixed a potion and fairy number 1 drank it.
Wow! She changed color…BLUE.”Now put the papers in the blue bin,”said the fairy Queen.
Fairy number 2 drunk the magic potion.
Wow! She changed colour…YELLOW.
“Now put the plastic in the yellow bin,”said the fairy Queen.
“Can I help?”asked the eco-elf,”I love recycling.” “Yes,of course,”said the yellow fairy.
Fairy number 3 drank the magic potion.Wow! She changed colour…GREEN.
”Now put on these gloves and be very ,very careful.Your job is very difficult.You have to pick up the glass,”said the fairy Queen.
“Don’t worry.I can do it,”replied the green fairy.So the blue fairy,the yellow fairy,the eco-elf and the green fairy put all the rubbish in the bins.Soon the city was clean and the fairies were happy.

L'autora d'aquest conte es diu Julie Fairweather,la il.lustradora es diu Francesca Roselló Bonet i junt a altres tres contes més formen part d'una carpeta editada per Documenta Balear que amb el suport de la consellaria d'Educació i Cultura es va publicar a Palma de Mallorca l'any 2007.

1 comentari:

cristofolcoll ha dit...

Som en Cristofol i ha quedat molt be el vidio adeu Julia.