dimecres, 19 de desembre del 2007



This is the story of Princesa Purple,a pretty princess who loves the colour purple.But there is a problem.A big problem! Princess Purple does not like any other colour.NO!
Not yellow,not blue,not red nor green.Not even pink!
Everything must be purple;her dress,her shoes,her socks…If not Princess Purple gets very,very angry!
“This toothpaste is not purple! I don’t like it!” she screamed one day in her purple bathroom.The king and Queen are getting worried.”Perhaps our friends can help.Let’s invite them to her birthday party”,said the Queen.”Good idea”said the King.This purple problem is too big for me.”
The first guest at the party has travelled from Menorca and offers a beautiful pair of espadrilles.”AAAAGH! Orange!Yuk….I don’t like them!complained Princess Purple.The next guest is from India and offers a silk sari.
“No!!!! Yellow! Yuk…I don’t like it!”
A boy from Mexico offers a poncho.”No!!!!Green! Yuk…I don’t like it!”
Time passes and the Queen,the King and everybody in the palace is worried…
Until a very handsome prince arrives.”I have two special flowers for a special princess.”
“NO! Red and blue!I don’t…””Stop!”said the prince.”Look!” The Prince mixes the petals with water…”Wow!”said the princess.”My favourite colour.”But the prince said,”Now close your eyes.Smell the flowers.Feel the flower.They are all beautiful,just like you.”
The Princess listens to the prince and is very,very happy.She smiles and says,”I like the red flower and the blue.And I really,really LIKE YOU!” The end.

L'autora d'aquest conte es diu Julie Fairweather,la il.lustradora es diu Francesca Roselló Bonet i junt a altres tres contes més formen part d'una carpeta editada per Documenta Balear que amb el suport de la consellaria d'Educació i Cultura es va publicar a Palma de Mallorca l'any 2007.

dimarts, 18 de desembre del 2007

Despedim a na Jaime.Bye bye Jaime!

My name¡s Jaime,I'm going back to England.I have spent a good time with you.I will miss you.
Bye,bye Jaime,we'll miss you.

dijous, 25 d’octubre del 2007



Els fillets i filletes de segon han après a contar un conte en anglès
Walking through the jungle,
what can I see?
I can see a lion looking at me.
A lion,a lion!take a picture,take a picture!
An elephant/a monkey/a crocodile/ Run away!

dijous, 11 d’octubre del 2007

Once upon a time there was a beautiful,
enchanted forest.It was the home of the forest fairies.All day long the forest fairies danced on the soft,green grass and flew among the pine trees.How happy they were!
But one day a strong wind blew.The fairies were blown far.far away…to a city! Oh no! What a disaster!
The fairies didn’t like it! One fairy started to cough because of the smoke.Another fairy cut her foot on a broken bottle and had to see the fairy doctor.But worst of all the fairies could not dance with all the rubbish on the ground .
The fairies were not happy.They asked the fairy Queen to help.She decided to use a little magic.”Magic petals,blue,yellow,green.Help us keep the city clean!” The Fairy Queen mixed a potion and fairy number 1 drank it.
Wow! She changed color…BLUE.”Now put the papers in the blue bin,”said the fairy Queen.
Fairy number 2 drunk the magic potion.
Wow! She changed colour…YELLOW.
“Now put the plastic in the yellow bin,”said the fairy Queen.
“Can I help?”asked the eco-elf,”I love recycling.” “Yes,of course,”said the yellow fairy.
Fairy number 3 drank the magic potion.Wow! She changed colour…GREEN.
”Now put on these gloves and be very ,very careful.Your job is very difficult.You have to pick up the glass,”said the fairy Queen.
“Don’t worry.I can do it,”replied the green fairy.So the blue fairy,the yellow fairy,the eco-elf and the green fairy put all the rubbish in the bins.Soon the city was clean and the fairies were happy.

L'autora d'aquest conte es diu Julie Fairweather,la il.lustradora es diu Francesca Roselló Bonet i junt a altres tres contes més formen part d'una carpeta editada per Documenta Balear que amb el suport de la consellaria d'Educació i Cultura es va publicar a Palma de Mallorca l'any 2007.

dijous, 4 d’octubre del 2007

Hem treballat el conte "The castle hunters"

The castle hunters traveled and traveled.Across the ocean.Across the sea.Over the mountains…far,far away. ”A castle, a castle.We want a castle.”
Looking here, looking there,looking,looking everywhere.
One day they arrive on an island.”Castle by the sea!” they shout.
“Prepare for attack.”they run and fight with all their might but cannot cross the big castle walls.
They continue their travels.”A castle,a castle.We want a castle!”
Five days later,”Castle on a hill!”they shout.”Prepare for attack!” They run and fight with all their might but cannot cross the big castle walls.They roll down the hill with broken arms and black eyes.
Ten days later,”Castle in the forest! Prepare for attack.” They run and fight with all their might but cannot cross the big castle walls.
They quickly run and hide in the trees,with broken arms,black eyes,sore knees,cut heads and tired,tired feet.
Fifteen days later,”Castle by a lake!Prepare for attack” they shout.
But one castle hunter says,”Stop!my feet are tired,my eyes are black,my knees are sore…It is time for a different plan.
Let’s knock on the door.Let’s talk.”
“ha ha ha!Knock on the door!”laugh the others.We are castle hunters.”We don’t knock on the doors.”
But their feet really are tired.Their knees really are sore.So they think and think…”Good idea.”
The castle hunters go to the castle door and knock.
Knock,knock…”Can we come in please?”
“My pleasure,”says the king.”Come in and sit down.You look very tired”
The king and the castle hunters talk and talk and think and think.
“My castle is very big.You can stay here with me” said the King.
“That is very kind.We can help you mend the doors,look after the garden…”
The King and the castle hunters became good friends.
The castle hunters were very happy to have a castle at last and said a big thank you to the king.THE END

L'autora d'aquest conte es diu Julie Fairweather,la il.lustradora es diu Francesca Roselló Bonet i junt a altres tres contes més formen part d'una carpeta editada per Documenta Balear que amb el suport de la consellaria d'Educació i Cultura es va publicar a Palma de Mallorca l'any 2007.